Parma Eldalamberon ... The Book of Elven Tongues ... is a journal of linguistic studies of fantasy
literature, especially of the Elvish languages and nomenclature in the
works of J.R.R. Tolkien. It is published at irregular intervals as
sufficient material becomes available.
By special arrangement with Christopher
Tolkien and with the permission of the Tolkien Estate, previously
unpublished material from the manuscripts of J. R. R. Tolkien have been
published as special editions of Parma Eldalamberon.
Revised Printing of
The Qenya
Phonology and Lexicon
by J. R.
R. Tolkien
edited by
Christopher Gilson, Carl F.
Hostetter, Patrick H. Wynne, and Arden R. Smith
Eldalamberon No. 12 - Revised 3rd Printing
11 July 2011
Parma Eldalamberon Issue No. 12 contains
the "Qenya Lexicon" in its entirety. This is a
dictionary of the language of the Elves of Tol Eressea as created by J. R. R. Tolkien. It is organized by roots,
related words being grouped together under a
designation of the sounds that they share due
to their relationship. Thus, for example, the Qenya words alda 'tree', aldea 'tree-shadowed',
aldeon 'avenue of trees', alalme
'elm (tree)', and almo, aldamo
'the broad of the back from shoulder to
shoulder', are all given under the root ALA
'spread'. Excerpts from the Lexicon were published in the Appendices to The Book of Lost Tales, those items
that threw light on the names of people and
places in the Lost Tales. This edition includes the whole dictionary, which runs to about 600 roots and over
3000 entries.
In his remarks
about the Lexicon, Christopher Tolkien said, "Some early phonological description does exist for Qenya, but this
became through later alterations and
substitutions such a baffling muddle (while the material
is in any case intrinsically extremely complex) that I have been
unable to make use of it" (LT1, p. 247).
This description, called "The
Sounds of Qenya," is also very interesting,
as it traces the phonological development of
the language from its origins in primitive Eldarin.
Because of the light it throws on both the Qenya Lexicon and the Gnomish Lexicon, we have included this Qenya Phonology
in Parma Eldalamberon
No. 12.
The Qenya
Lexicon entries are fully cross-referenced to both The Book
of Lost Tales and
to the Gnomish Lexicon (I-Lam na-Ngoldathon,
published in Parma
Eldalamberon No. 11). Both the Phonology
Lexicon, to which J. R. R. Tolkien gave the overall title of Qenyaqetsa, are presented with editorial
commentary on changes made in the manuscript,
and the relation of this linguistic work to Tolkien's other contemporary stories, poems, and drawings.
Issue 12 is
Out of Print
Parma Eldalamberon
is sold on a per-issue
Order via PayPal on the pages at these links:
Out of Print
Photocopies of issues 1
5 are available from the
A retrospective collection of cover
art, title pages and other
illustrations by artists Patrick Wynne
and Adam Christensen
appear in the Eldalamberon
to Eldalamberon
design, colorization and animations
© 2001–2002
Victor Christensen